Tips For Casino Night Note Sheet Card Template Design

Home » Tips For Casino Night Note Sheet Card Template Design

If you are throwing a casino night for your employees or friends, a casino night note sheet is perfect. Not only does it look great, it’s fully customizable. You can use it as the invitation for a company casino night, poker night, or any event where casino night is the theme. The design options are endless! Below, I’ve outlined some tips to help you design the perfect casino night note sheet.

Designing a tuck box

If you want to save money while designing your casino night game boxes, try printing in black and white. This will save you a couple of cents per game, but it limits your options when it comes to size. If you use a standard note sheet card template, you can easily make four times the size of the box you need to save. You can also print your games in Gimp with as many folds as you need.

When designing a tuck box, remember to keep the outer edge of the tuckbox flap hidden. If you want your artwork to wrap around the box, it must extend a minimum of 4mm beyond the edge of the card template. The wraparound artwork must hide the template lines but keep registration marks for the cutting and folding machines. The cut line and fold line should be at least four millimeters away from any important icons.
